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Week 9

Defaking the news

 Background information & research

Fake news are more terrible than you thought!

  • fake news spreads faster, research shows that fake news spreading 10% faster than real news.

  • fake news also kills people, at least 20 people were killed in India in 2018 due to the fast spreading fake news in WhatsApp.

What makes fake news believable?

  • pictures, images and videos, It makes fake new more believable if the news contains some pictures, images or videos.

Why images can make fake news more believable?

  • Evidence of events? people think images are evidence of the events. Many popular words on the Internet also shows people’s strong belief on images as evidence, like, what are you bullshitting without a picture(没图你说个**), with picture with truth(有图有真相). The screenshots shows the number of searching results of two different keywords in Baidu which is the largest search engine in China.

Undercover police arrested 4 people in HongKong due to wearing black clothes in public space.

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