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Week 1

Reading response 

About the TED Gaming for understanding, “Brenda Romero's daughter came home from school asking about slavery, she did what she does for a living -- she designed a game."

This inspires me a lot. I think she is really smart to talk in this way when talking to a serious social problem with a child. She describes the surprising effectiveness of this game, and others, in helping the player really understand the story.

A good game is not only letting people have fun but also with deep thinking behind it. You can face some discomfort situation in a relax game process. 

Truth or Dare


Notes from playing Truth or Dare:

- how to start? (We ended up picking a random person then going in a circle)


Potential Goals to Address:

  • make a decision fast 

  • deciding to effect a person vs yourself

  • opening up about your guilty pleasures 🔥

  • Social Media Truth or Dare 🔥 <---

  • use the game as a type of therapy/ testing and talking about relationships 🔥🐙👾

  • forcing someone's hand/ example: getting a kids/someone to do something

  • get people to open up about controversial political opinions

  • write down things that you don’t like doing/ everyone picks a random one and you say how you address doing that thing

  • try to get to know people/ use as an ice breaker 🔥

  • in the context of a critique/ do you want criticism or a compliment? 

  • listen, give advice, or I’m wrong 

  • Positive affirmations game/ compliment yourself or someone else  (ó﹏ò。)


Rules of the Game: Social Media Edition:

Objective: To reveal social media habits and communally embrace them? Or change? Is it possible to change? Let's find out.


Truths: Tell us a truth about your social media actions/habits

  • What's the most time you've spent looking at your phone -in the restroom-

  • Who have you stalked recently?

  • Have you ever drunk texted? Tell us about it

  • Who do you check if they are online?

  • Who do you check if they see your posts/stories?

  • Have someone ever -B l o c k e d- you?

  • What's your most liked post ever?

  • Have you ever post something just for only one person who you would like her can view?

  • Who is the person you really don’t like to talk with but you have to?

  • What is the last text you sent

  • Whose story do you always watch as soon as it is posted?

  • Do you have more than one account in one social media outlet

  • Have you ever deleted something after posting it? Tell us about it

  • Have you ever deleted someones account from your feed?


Dare: We dare you to do this action on social media

  • text your ex

  • Write a comment on a post you don't agree with

  • post something controversial on twitter

  • Make this your Facebook Status "I do believe"

  • block your best friend

  • show me your screen time

  • Type the first letter of your name into the instagram search bar and tell me who comes up as the first recommendation

  • Give me your phone for an hour to do whatever I want

  • Follow your crush 

  • Comment on someone’s post

  • Delete your accounts

  • Change your profile picture to whomever asked this dare

  • Change your profile picture to this and caption it "feeling cute, might delete later"

Week 2

ramp up from the lower level to a higher level of risk.


individuality, choice, power, expectation, secret  


Reading response 

“Using Fast Interactions to Create Intense Experiences” is basically talking about an experient about having timely and intense interaction with human bodies and their feelings. This inspires me during people who are doing working out especially some heating or burning exercises, they always prefer some rapid and stronger music to be as a motivation to help them insist. Because at that time, their bodies are always in an exhausting situation to deliver signals to their brains to take a rest. During this process, those fast and intense music play a really important role to stimulate their brain to keep going. that is why connecting physical exercise activity to computer systems used for entertainment is increasingly common. 


How to reduce the awareness of doing physical exercise from having benefit from the game is the most important point to design the game. An interesting method is effective to bring users to begin to enjoy the exercise process instead of resisting. 

Wearable discomfort hardware

A straitjacket is a garment shaped like a jacket with long sleeves that surpass the tips of the wearer's fingers. Its most typical use is restraining people who may cause harm to themselves or others. Once the wearer slides their arms into the sleeves, the person assisting the wearer crosses the sleeves against the chest and ties the ends of the sleeves to the back of the jacket, ensuring the arms are close to the chest with as little movement as possible.



Inspired by the metal illness straitjacket, I was thinking about get involved of the feeling of wearing that kind of control cloth. We can't imagine people wear this kind of clothes in daily life because it really impedes people's normal life.You can't use your hands even move your arm. But in the mental hospital, this sometimes saves people's life or prevent people from hurting or being hurt by others.


This control-related discomfort wearable cloth made me feel bad, under control and tied. 

I wore this for the whole night for just doing some readings, because you can't have any action with limiting your arms or hands. 


However, people began to be inspired by this kind of cloth a fashion dress of doing long sleeves design. 

Interestingly,  there is an experiment about some normal people who are pretending some mental sickness patients then take experience in the hospital. They found the nurse or some mediciners can't really recognize who are the real mental patients. Even they are doing some normal daily life things. For example, because these observers need to document people's life over there, they have to take notes all the time. This behavior was described by those nurses in the patients who are addicted to doing a weird behavior of writing repeatedly. However, some real patients can recognize these observers are not in metal sickness but nobody trusts them. 


Week 3

ramp up from the lower level to a higher level of risk.


decay, anxiety, disgust, involuntary, primitive, mortality, disability

the body through four lenses.

  • the responding body

  • the moving body

  • the sensing body 

  • the relating body


Reading response 


The word empathy derives from a German word, Einfühlung, which had been used in artistic contexts to describe the “feeling-into” of an object.

Empathy is the correct understanding of the feelings and situations of others, and the ability to perceive the emotions and needs of others. Which introverted and extroverted person is more empathetic? Here I want to make a distinction between introversion and extroversion. Introverted: "Introverts like quiet, one is more comfortable"  Extrovert: "Extroverts like to be busy, a group of people stays more comfortable"

Personally, being an introverted person. Because of the sensitivity of introverts, they can easily perceive the emotions of others, so introverts are gifted in empathy. 

Using VR to build an empathy connection is an interesting method to make people understand. "Debugging the empty machine" brings us to an environment to experience other's feeling which actually happens in their own body.  Go back to our design process,  a lot of human-centered design needs designers to have strong empathy because it will have a better connection between your design with users. You have to experience as a user perspective to get the feedback. It is an important way of design thinking. 

“I sure feel uncomfortable being in this situation with you” – Twin Peaks and the Sublimity of Awkwardness

Twin peak 


Surveillance Report

Target: Ruixuan Li (my roommate)

Content: observation of his daily bedtime for one week

It was interesting that I just told him about this surveillance before I have been started after 4 days. He felt uncomfortable about being surveilled by me even he didn't realize. But my report about his sleep time really helps him a little bit to think about his daily routine. We talked about why he went to bed so late on Tuesday. And he did try to adjust his routine during weekends. But it didn't work well. 


Week 4









Challenge 4 

Light Pollution 


What is Light Pollution?

"Light pollution is the presence of anthropogenic and artificial light in the night environment. It is exacerbated by excessive, misdirected or obtrusive use of light, but even carefully used light fundamentally alters natural conditions. As a major side-effect of urbanization, it is blamed for compromising health, disrupting ecosystems and spoiling aesthetic environments."

How might we make an interactive installation of memorial light pollution? 


When the people are far form it 


When people are from an appropriate distance 


When people are getting closer (the stars are getting extinguished, the stone is over light.)

Our design named "Over light". The stone inside represents the natural resources, the small spots light which embraced the stone represent the stars. When people use more light, it will influence the stars and finally influence themselves. This interactive memorial should be set in the dark space that the small “star” lightings will light. If people getting closer and closer, the star lightings will become darker and darker and the stone will become more and more bright which will blind your eyes.

Final Proposal

keep working on Challenge 4 


People are pursuing the dynamic scene of the city night with artificial light on the buildings. At the same time, they would like to see a more natural star sky.


 We decided to keep work on challenge 4, getting more interaction with people and the light. For now, we are trying to over-bright the stone to actually make your eyes feel uncomfortable when people are getting closer and closer to it.  We would like to develop more about the feedback to reflect that when the resources are overused, it will actually hurt people themselves.  Maybe there will a scene about the clear stars sky inside the stone which attracts people to get closer to see it, However, they can not stay too close so that the stone will over bright and make your eyes feel bad. 

Reflection: Feedback is really helpful for us. It will be great to actually happen in a natural place such as a forest or a park. There will be more contrast between natural light and artificial light. In the future, we would like to invite more people to join this performance in a public space which draws people's attention to light pollution. 

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